Unwarranted events occur no matter how safe we make our schools. Our job, as stewards of students, is to learn from past events and to train, prepare, and better equip ourselves for future threats.
How Administrators and School Security Officers respond to events that occur on their campuses are often a deciding factor in the successful resolution of the events themselves. The more trained an individual, the better they are prepared to handle situations that can happen on a school campus.
The material found within combines the knowledge of many professionals involved in the area of school safety and security, including school administrators, police, and school security training professionals.
Bundled to maximize value, the School Safety and Security Training Manual encapsulates the vital information from all seven modules into one ready-made guide.
How Principals, School Resource Officials, and School Security Officers Can Work Effectively Together: Understanding roles and creating a team environment regarding school safety
Examines the roles of the School Resource Officer and the School Security Officer and how they work in conjunction with the Building Administrator to provide a safe and healthy learning environment.
School Security Officer Safety: Methods and techniques to help protect school security officers from harm
Developing procedures to maintain a safe working environment for the School Security Officer, especially in instances involving dangerous situations and/or illicit substances. This module outlines the common mistakes that lead to serious officer injury or death while conducting building searches, persons, and their belongings.
Use of Force: Properly applying use of force in schools
This module explores relevant U.S. Supreme Court decisions surrounding the use of force and physical restraint in a security role context. A use of force continuum of escalating response and reporting requirements along with model policy guidelines are included as a ready-reference guide. Although the court cases cited deal with police use of force, the rationale applies to school security staff as well.
School Law: Search and Seizure: How to apply the 4th amendment in schools
Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to school security, this informative module examines school related issues surrounding the Fourth Amendment. Relevant court cases are cited and examined in light of today’s school setting.
Crime Scene Preservation and Collection of Evidence: How to protect a crime scene until law enforcement arrives
The proper preservation and protection of a crime scene by district personnel will allow the police to gather uncontaminated evidence thereby increasing the possibility of suspect apprehension. This understanding will help school personnel to appreciate the care that is needed in protecting a scene. Evidence thus properly gathered provides necessary documentation for the district risk managers should a crime occur on campus.
Interviewing Techniques: How to gather information regarding an incident on school grounds
Finding and being able to properly identify the truth is imperative in any successful investigation. The basics of conducting an informational interview, such as locating reliable witnesses, guidelines to follow during the interview procedure, and techniques to assist in conducting an interview are discussed.
Report Writing: How to clearly recount a school-related incident in a comprehensive report
Examines the purpose and rationale for good report writing. Looks at the elements that go into a report and reviews the basic report writing steps essential to documenting an incident.
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